The desert area of Harzavad had always been unconquerable. The heat, said to drive people mad within hours. The snakes, whose poisons were lethal. And then the Asvardi. Assassins, who utilised the snakes poison in their arrows, and murdered anyone who came nearby. They were said to be decendents of Nage, the demon king who once ruled Harzavad, before the great Mahama Hazaravada defeated him and locked him up. The Asvardi sought to free Nage from his dungeon and reclaim Harzavad for themselves. And they were nearly there.

"Ashka! Come here!" called the Mahama. Ashka, a cheerful, handsome boy with black ruffled hair, light pink cheeks, darkbrown eyes and tanned skin, walked into the room. He had been outside all day, in the hot sun, and was sweating.

"Ashka, my son. We have received word that the Asvardi plan to take over our kingdom tomorrow, on the day of the anniversary of our kingdom. I am old, and will die soon. You, as the rightful heir to Harzavad, are in charge of protecting our kingdom. Now go, you are dismissed."

Ashka bowed to his father and left the room.

Later that evening the Mahama was having a party, to celebrate the successes of the Harzavad Kingdom and prepare for the anniversary celebrations the following day. The Mahama wore a simple robe, white as white can be, with elegant gold detailings accentuating the sleeves. On his head he wore a matching turban, with a single peacock feather, fixed in place by a simple gold brooch. Ashka wore a perfectly ironed soldier's uniform, crimson red, with a sheathed talwar by his side. The festivities began, and went well into the night.

Varza didn't like assassinations. He would've much rather preferred architecture, but it was his duty as an Asvardi to restore Nage to his previous fame and glory. He snuck down the hallways of the palace, donning a pale blue robe with flowing sleeves and a simple mask covering his face. Around his neck was a golden pendant, a peacock feather and a sword. The emblem of the Asvardi.

When the arrow struck the Mahama's heart, Chaos ensued. Ashka unsheathed his Talwar, and it gleamed under the chandelier. He and his army looked around for the assassin, trying to find him, but Varza was skilled. He left no trace, no clue to his whereabouts.

The next day, Ashka and half his army left the palace. Nearing the Harzavad Desert, he felt the heat. In the distance he saw an oasis, the gleaming water, the tropical trees swaying in the hot wind. He reached the oasis, and set up camp around the gleaming water. A few snakes snuck into the camp, and his army lost a few people, but mostly they were unharmed.

Five days later, Ashka reached the Asvardi camp. The Asvardi had been refining their weapons when they saw him, and quickly surrounded their camp to protect it from the army. It was a short battle, but deadly nonetheless. Ashka had been wounded by an arrow from the Asvardi, but no symptoms of Snake Poison seemed to occur. Ashka fought his way through the Asvardi's and reached the Head Asvardi's camp. He barged in, and saw the leader of the Asvardi's. Tall, muscular, dripping with sweat, the Asvardi Leader looked formidable. The leader quickly pulled out his bow and arrow, but it wasn't quick enough. A quick slash of Ashka's talwar, and the leader's head rolled onto the soft sand, blood turning it red. After picking up the severed head, Ashka kicked over a lit torch nearby, and it lit up the body, reducing it to nothing but ashes. The Asvardi fought valiantly, but were no match for the sharp-minded Harzavadi Army.

Siezing the camp, Ashka returned to the kingdom. Five more snake bites and deaths later, he reached the palace.

Walking into the throne room, the severed head in his hand, he noticed something odd. Where was the Acting Mahama? BANG. The doors closed and a snake slithered towards Ashka, frightened, he dropped the head and froze in shock. The snake slithered around him and transformed into an otherworldly being. Nage.

"Well well well. Ashka, I presume? You are late."

Ashka unsheathed his talwar, still bloodied from the fight with the Asvardi. Nage lunged towards him and grabbed his talwar, and it turned to dust.

"Oh Ashka, you don't realise, do you? I'm not human like you are, no. I once was, but I'm not anymore. I am the Demon King, and Harzavad is mine."

Ashka was overcome with a sudden dizziness, and fell to the ground. Nage cut his cheek with a small dagger hidden in his sleeve. The red blood flowed down Ashka's tanned skin, around his pink lips, and his dark brown eyes fluttered closed.

Nage went out to the balcony, and addressed the people below.

"Harzavad, a new era has begun."

The people were in shock.

Proudly, with a sinister grin, Nage proclaimed, "I am now your king."