Nominal System

The stem contains the nominal’s basic meaning. This includes: gender, number, and case.

A stem + an ending creates a complete word. Example:

simha + h → simhah

the lion

simha + sya → simhasya

of the lion

simha + aih → simhaih

by the lions


Three genders

Masculine → simho (lion, masculine)

Feminine → simhaa (lion, female)

Neuter → vanam (forest)

Nominal stems use any gender, but noun stems generally have a fixed gender (even if they don’t physically have a gender)

Yoga - yoga (masc.)

Niiti - wise conduct (fem.)

Nirvaana - nirvana (neut.)


Number (vachana)

Three numbers

Singular → Simhah pashyati (the lion sees)

Dual → Simhau pashyatah (the two lions see)

Plural → Simhaah pashyanti (the many lions see)


Stem Families