Gacchanti → Aagacchanti

they go → the come (“go here”)

Nayanti → Aanayanti

they lead → they bring (“lead here”)

Gacchanti → Avagacchanti

down + they go → they understand (idiomatic)

Gacchanti → Samgacchanti

they go → they meet (“go together”)

Nayanti → Samnayanti

they lead → they unite (“lead others together”)

Gacchanti → Samaagacchanti

they go → they come together; they convene (“go together here”)

Nayanti → Samaanayanti

they lead → they gather (“lead together here”)

Nominal prefixes

“Not X” — add ‘a-’ or ‘an-’

Shoka → Ashoka

grief, sorrow → without grief or sorrow

Himsaa → Ahimsaa

violence → non-violence

Bala → Abala

strength → without strength; weak, powerless

Ishta → Anishta

wanted → unwanted

“With X” — add ‘sa-’

Bala → Sabala

strength → with strength; strong, powerful